Thursday, March 12, 2015

What Is The Right To Rise?

Governor Jeb Bush is a firm believer in the right of all Americans to rise to their potential.  He wants to create a government that helps promote this kind of erection.  But what does he really mean?  Are there firm examples in his record?  There are many, and here are just a few examples:

-Terri Schiavo and Eugenics:  In 2003, Governor Bush intervened in the intentional attempt to murder a woman because of her disability.  Governor Bush, supporting Terri's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Schindler, and their efforts to save their daughter, signed "Terri's Law", which re-inserted her feeding tube after her doctors and husband had removed it and tried to starve her to death.  Mr. Bush felt Ms. Schiavo had the means and right to rise above the restrictions of her illness and prove to America that certifiably brain dead people are capable and viable citizens who should not be turned into the stuff of cheap political stunts and efforts to shift our cultural values away from common decency towards a 'Culture of Death' where the power over life and death decisions are taken out of the hands of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and given over to flawed and perhaps well-meaning but ultimately sinful mere mortals.  Unfortunately, despite Gov. Bush's efforts, Terri was ultimately taken off her feeding tube again and died a painful death so to further promote an agenda of eugenics not unlike Nazi Germany, even if she had been on the Schindler's list of souls to be saved.
A competent voter!
-Driving Against Abortion- As a Roman Catholic and member of the Knights of Columbus, Mr. Bush is a steadfast opponent of murdering babies, from the first moment of conception until birth, at which point these poor souls and their lecherous mothers will attempt to become Welfare Queens (see below).  As part of his first year in office, Gov. Bush signed a law to create a vanity license plate with the message 'Choose Life'.  The $20 fee for the plate went to to organizations that provided counseling and support to pregnant women "who are committed to placing their children up for adoption" but not to "any agency that is involved in or associated with abortion activities including counseling."  This reflects how Mr. Bush believes that fetuses can rise to their potential when not being gleefully sacrificed to the demon Moloch.

-Unnecessary Victims: In his 1995 book, Profiles in Character, Mr. Bush described the “gay rights
movement,” “feminist movement,” and “black empowerment movement” as “modern victim movements.”  In 1994, Mr. Bush wrote a powerful and prolific editorial that serves as a clarion call for all those who oppose the effort to delegitimize the traditional meaning of marriage.
[In a previous editorial] about [my] position on homosexuality and special legal rights for homosexuals: Homosexuality is wrong, but it is also wrong to discriminate against homosexuals in employment, housing, etc., solely on the basis of sexual preference. I have employed homosexuals and continue to do so. Therefore, I take vigorous exception to your characterization of me as a bigot.
However, I do not believe that government should create a new class of citizens with special legal rights.
It is disingenuous of you to write that “the governor must stand up for and represent all the people of the Sunshine State on all matters.” You imply that discrimination is always wrong, yet government and individual Floridians discriminate every day in innumerable ways. Government discriminates against bank robbers, drug dealers, litterbugs, and homeowners who repair their seawall without a permit, just to name a few. Yours is not a reasoned argument reflecting reality.
The governor — and the government — do not defend the conduct of every Floridian with equal verve and enthusiasm. Polluters, pedophiles, pornographers, drunk drivers, and developers without proper permits receive — and deserve — precious little representation or defense from their governor. The statement that the governor must stand up for all people on all matters is just silly.
The public policy question is whether homosexuals deserve special legal protection from otherwise legal, private acts of discrimination, which protections are not available to smokers, drinkers, children, redheads, Midwesterners, Democrats, veterans, nudists, etc. Or, to put it another way, should sodomy be elevated to the same constitutional status as race and religion? My answer is No. We have enough special categories, enough victims, without creating even more.
-Welfare:  Mr. Bush is a staunch advocate of austerity policies and ending the 'take-it-for-nothing' culture of American urban populations, affirming their ability to rise to their potential.  Again, in Profiles in Character he outlined his vision of this cultural aberration.
An example of how we have come to devalue shame in our society is in our welfare system. In the mid-1960s, only half of those eligible for welfare payments were taking them and many enrolled would refuse to take the maximum allowance. People shined shoes and found other ways to bring in money that by today’s standards would be considered shameful. However, by the early 1970s, the stigma of receiving welfare had been lost by an administration that encouraged receipt of welfare. The rolls exploded as a much higher percentage of those who were eligible suddenly thought it less shameful to take advantage of the benefits rather than employ themselves in a job requiring hard work, such as shining shoes or sweeping floors. For many it is more shameful to work than to take public assistance-that is how backward shame has become!
Jeb Bush with a minority.  See, see, there's one picture of him
with a minority!
We look forward to further exhibition of Mr. Bush's important values and morals that define his candidacy.

First Post! Firsties!

Hi, I'm Jeb Bush!  I'm so excited to post to this blog for the first-ever message from our campiagn teem.  You may thunk that I'm like my dad and brother, George and George, but rest ashured, I am my own man and have my own ideas.  Alright, maybe I look up to Uncle Dick Chaney and have a teensy weensee levull of help from the Coke Brothers, but don't worry, I have plenty of ideas about how to make America betterer.  For example, I think it's really bad that the black guy, I mean President, is using regulations and the veeto to keep the Keystone XL pipeline from pumping oil into America.  I mean, it's oil, so that's kind of important, especially since my dad's old partners, the Ahabs, are reely not okay with us and think we did bad bye preserverating freedom in Iran.  Oh wait, I mean Iraq.  Don't worry, I'll make Iran good if you vote for me.  And even iff yu dont, I probablies will be able to win like my brother George didz in 2001, back when I was the Governer.  So keep cumming back to reed my blog, I promise you will not bee not incuraged.

Love and high 5s,

Jeb Bush